All was well on the boat until a huge explosion sounded from far under the deck. Nobody seemed to care really that the boat was getting lower and lower. Where was the captian? Why wasn't anybody sounding an alarm?
I had to investigate.
I crept lower and lower down a flight of stairs that led below deck. The boat creaked under my feet. This was a little nerve-wraking.
As I got down as far as I could, a foot of water lined the floor. On the stern, a huge hole had been blasted into the side of the boat. There was Aditi holding what looked like scribble on a piece of metal. I didn't have time to speak because a huge looming shape shot past the gap.
What was that?
A roar from hte deck answered my question. I turned to look for a place to run and saw the crew bound and gagged in a corner, the water rising up to their necks. Ignoring a yell from the horse halfer, I quickly untied the humans.
"What's happening?" one asked. I shook my head and shrugged.
I sprinted back up to the deck to find the group huddled close together, the larger animals had transformed and were at the side of the deck. They were defending against a great serpant!
The creature uttered a hissing call, "The ssssecret of harmony is ssafe with ussss! Go! Swim, crawl, Fly!" With that said, she dove down into the middle of the boat and tore it in two. All of the halfers were on one side, the humans were stranded on the other.
The two remaining dragon halfers were gathering the other who couldnt swim onto their backs. They took off into the air and hovered htere waiting to find out what to do next.
eh sorry that was way lame