
Mood: Excited
Dreams: Whirlpools, fire, school clothes, native slaves, and HATS
Eating: well i had some ice cream and pizza!
Drinking: Coke
Watching: Honey and Clover
Song of the Day:
Like the song, but the vid is kinda stupid

Today I woke up at 3am and then again at 4:30am. It was bad because I was so tired in school... -_-' I've decided to try and post once a day from now on.
btw, here's another Vid:
I think Lady Gaga is so amazing and innovative! I've never seen anything at all like her and I really like that. For anybody out there who claims she's "a man" WHAT THE F**K? What right do you have to say that? If you can't appriciate her ART and WORK can't dis it just because it's a little "weird!"

Okaaay that's that!
hahaha pardon the rant!

I might have a random unbirthday party this weekend, IDK... hahaha nothing special, just some friends, three or four maybe. Foam swords, Barbies, random dancing, and making paper hats! WHOOT WHOOT!

So lately I've been trying to teach myself to go with the flow. I always tend to think about the past, or dwell on regrets, or think into the future, or make stupid hypothesies, and it just gets me worked up! And then I'm in a bad mood allllllll day! Any tips on how to quit that bad habit? Ahahaha and also, I've gotten into the habit of pessimism and getting angry very fast. It doesn't help me at all in life and usually makes things worse. Especially when I but heads with my dad, which happens very often. He's just a naturally annoying person, like a adhd 3 year old on crack, and I really can't stand it. But getting mad and depressed about it won't solve my problem! I need to be the bigger person! So if you guys have any suggestions' please leave a comment...

On another note, WHY IS SPAGHETTI SO TASTY?! lol

So last weekend, since I had no plans, and when I have no plans I have no life, I played Thrillville of the rails for like 24 hours strait. Yeah, I'm just that cool! So I went up to this guy and clicked the flirt button. My character said he was cute. His response? Yeah that would be that, "Boys aren't cute. BUNNIES are cute." WTF?! SO then I went over to this girl and asked if she liked fish, her response? "I'm a vegitarrien and I don't eat any kind of fish." So then I had my character say, "I just got a new kitten." Her next response? Wait for it... "I only like animals if I can eat them." INDECISIVE MUCH?!?!?! So then I jogged over to a robot. I said hi. He said, "Conversation subroutine running. Unit enjoys kittens, sunsets, and staring directly into sunsets until unit's optic sensors overload and unit hallucinates kittens." ooooookaaaaaay....another robot said this, "Iddle chatter is irrevelant. Unit will commence crushing now." O.O RUUUUUN!!!!

Hahahaha so yeah. Lately I've been into this band, Twin Atlantic. They're Scottish and keep their accents when singing so its not americanized!!! check them out, they rock. My favorite song is Audience and Audio!

HOney and Clover anyone???? UHHHHHH BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!! hahahaha I really like Ayumi but i feel so bad for her that Takumi doesn't love her back....
Click Here For Honey and Clover Online, Anime (COUGH COUGH MEGAN!)
I'm gonna check out the Manga later.

AAAH my stupid girl hear is very wishy-washy... ahahaha but it's okay, i shall plow through! hahahaha

Thank you guys for reading this and supporting me, I love you all!!!(non-stalkeris!!) RAISE A GLASS TO THE OTAKU FAMILY!

Shark out! *pudding dance*

P.S. If uve ever played thrillville of the rails, you'll get what im about to say...

Random piccy:
