Sarah's Dictionary For the Confused and Scared

For those of you that see word in my vocab that a) freak you out b) u know but don't understand y the HELL its there or c) find disturbing this is where I explain them! yay! So here goes! (not alphebetical)

erbody-everybody (Air-body)
e, as in "e said"-he (ee)
er, as is "er wallet"-her (
Nermind-never mind (nair-mind)
Shark*-love, f**k, Sh*t, darn, damn, sex, awesome, sweet, cool
Stew*-see "shark"
dumbknuckle-a stupid person
-wad -a derrogitory suffix express my annoyance or anger, ex. JERKWAD CRAPWAD BITCHWAD TURDWAD
OMS-oh my stew/shmee/shark
WTS-what the stew/shmee/shark
the pudding dance-MY DANCE OF COOLNESS
Radial force-my buso renkin/super power
blood lust-pippi's BR/Super Power
(poor alex doesn't have one yet)
Gwaugh-a scream
GAH-a scream
immana- I'm going to
youra- you're goning to
wera-we're going to
ruana-are you goint to (r u ah nah)

So those are my most used terms. now you notice my curse words are shark stew and shmee but two double as awesome and cool, they are very versatile... lol so they also are marked with an *. That means I'm about to tell you how they came about, because who substitues HOLY SH*T with HOLY SHARK/STEW right??

Shark: Facebook allows you to make a sharky icon in chat, (^^^), and once I typed I (^^^) you to someone which led to my usage of shark as it is used now

Shmee: I was at the beach with steve, and for SOME REASON i kept saying shmee when I got flustered. me rachel, steve and Julie stayed up till 3 in the morning everynight out on the porch and one night steve starts screaming SHMEE SHMEE SHMEE and well you can see where that went! lol

Stew: Alex and I were watching Nana and Nobu asked Nana K. to make him a stew. when she went over his house it showed them in bathrobes making out and a voice over of nana k saying "nana, what does Ren say to you when your making love" and alex goes I THOUGHT THEY WERE MAKING STEW!

lol i love my friends!! and me! and my vocabulary!

