Just Wanted To Say....

1.Hetalia pairings give me conflicting emotions. They make me feel so warm and fuzzy. And then lonely. And then depressed. And then pathetic.

2. Closet cosplaying is fun.

3. You should all go out to the store and but yourselves a big, baggy, ugly sweater. Nao approves and so do I.

4. Shopping is great until the guilt hits you.

5. I sound like a depressed emo freak, but actually im in a great mood!

6. I only have whore makeup on the right side of my face.

7. Buying new clothing makes me want to clean my room.

8. I never Clean.

9. Having random conversations with people you hardly know via FB is quite entertaining.

10. Having your foot fall asleep is not.

11. painting your nails is tedious and boring.

12. The only thing that can follow a really bad hairday is a better one! (PSH WHO AM I KIDDING)

13. Tiny Boobs don't keep up strapless dresses.

14. You can only eat so much cookie cake before it makes you want to vomit.

15. Vomiting is NOT cute.

16. Sneakers from your mom are most likely NOT cute.

17. It's best to pretend work dpesn't exist for as long as possible.

