Little Elasmasaurus

Mood: Normal(*gasp* she's NOT hyper)
Watching: nothing im on the computer
Feelings on sasuke: He's alright if your into depressed, emo, revenge seeking loonies.
*please forgive any spelling errors*

I have intense feelings of HATRED towards little elasmasaurus. Every single time I go to Church it's like he's serving. Does he frickin' live there?! I see him enough at school having to sit behind him in religion, social studies, and homeroom. Not only that, but I have to sit next to brenden(he has no nickname) *WAIT! I THOUGHT OF ONE! THE MASTER TALKER OF SCALAMARU!* who never shuts the hell up! RAWR! I WANT I CHANGE OF SEATS! (but at least I sit diagnolly from IAN! *melt*
