Woah! That's a long span of time!

Yeah...I haven't really had any story ideas...but I just thought of one!
It'll either be Harry Potter or a Harry Potter/Death Note fic

Harry Potter lost everything in the war (yeah yeah yeah...a cliche HP fic story) and he uses his Master of Death powers to talk to the deceased (using the resurrection stone). When the dead friends and family he talks to leave quickly he becomes less and less sane. He tries suicide, but being the MoD makes him only allowed to die from natural causes (i.e. disease or old age). Harry moves to Japan at the news of Kira and gets the attention of the great detective L.

Pairings: None or yaoi/slash/boy love/shonen ai/gay/any other names (I'm taking suggestions!

Rating: Teen

Please comment to add suggestions or critiques!
