Day 15

Alright half-way through!!!! Itachisasuke watch out cuz' I'm catching up to you!

15. The saddest scene
Wow so I've been debating how lame I want to be... I have a couple super sad scenes. Although two of them have come from some manga and anime that have already been discussed... so I guess then... I would have to say in Code Geass where Lelouch is shot by Suzaku who is parading as Zero!!

Since I've already used Sailor Moon, Natsume, and I even believe Naruto... or have I used Naruto yet? Anyways this scene is pretty tragic too. I was watching this anime with my mom and we were just like
So for those who don't know... Code Geass was written by CLAMP... However I would suggest watching the anime as opposed to reading the manga. I know this seems weird, but I wasn't as drawn to the manga as the anime.
Basically the plot in a nutshell is this kid who is son of the emperor Lelouch vi. Britannia and his sister have to escape from the psychotic father's palace and Lelouch is wanting revenge for the death of his mother when he one day meets C.C. and he gains the power of Geass which I won't spoil for those who haven't seen it yet... Mind you, if you read the blocked out part, that would have ruined it for you :P However it is worth the watch so go, watch it kiddies!
