HELLOs. MintIceCream here(MIC for short) tis a world about me, and the crazy antics of my 5 cats that just love to drive me nuts.

Job-substitute teacher
i recently graduated from college with a BS degree in education, certified for art (I'm an art teacher). i currently sub teach while i shop for a job in my content area.

Mindy-my cat, she's a white cat with tabby splotches all over. She's 15 years old, nonsocial, phychotic, and crazy. But i love her all the same.

Texa-my dad's cat primarily, he has a tuxedo style coat. black with a white strip down his belly, on his paws, and the lower half of his face. he's also a manx(no tail) and very talkative. a gentle giant, very lovable, although he doesn't really like me to well. he's 11 years old. (he's also kind of a cranky old @$$)

Bogart-mom's cat. and mine sometimes. the very fat one of our family. he's 7 year old. a brown tabby who loves to raise chaos. he loves to terrorize the adults, and chew on everything. he's also a big pig and will eat anything. even though he's my mom's cat, he loves everyone. he's quite the ladies man. he prefers the company of women over men.

Sammie-Ryan's cat. 7 year old. he is all gray, with thick soft fur. the sweetest cat in the whole world. he isn't all that smart though, and kinda slow. definatley not our brightest bulb, but we love him all the same. he will do anything for a tidbit of human food, so i have managed to teach him a few tricks. his favorite food is gold fish. we try to tell him it's not a real fish, but he doesn't believe us.

Augustus (GUS for short)- everyone's cat. the newest addition to our family, we rescued him from a cousin who should be banned from owning animals. he was 5 weeks old when we got him, so tiny. he's now 3 years old. he is a miniture norwegian forrest cat. all black, orange eyes, and EXTREMLY fluffy. he is the baby of the family, and res1sident ninja/trouble-maker. he is also quite dog like. he will sit and shake paws for a treat, likes to play fetch, loves meeting new people, and go for walks on a leash and harness.

anyways, have fun, and enjoy the power of the minty-ness.

and now we redecorate the ENTIRE church

today was the last day of vbs. i'm going to miss it, i've had lots of fun. for the kindergarteners we did a triatholon today. they had to ride a trike around a circle of cones, jump over the sprinkler pretending to swim a river, and run to the rope we used for tug of war. them against us teachers. we let them win. but daniel had trouble with the trike. he has a brace on his right leg and a medical condidtion. if he gets even a paper cut he bleeds and bleeds, it doesn't stop at all. so i told him to steer the trike and i'd push him. he would make a hard left then hard right. he was horrible driver. he thought it was fun to knock over half the cones. then he held my hand and we pretended to swim over the sprinkler together. i love him, he's so sweet. he's the type of kid that when you meet him you want to take him home. he even came to find me after his parents picked me up to say goodbye.

vbs ran late today though. we had an open house kind of thing for the parents. the kids sang their songs and danced and pastor josh got slimed since the girls won the nickel knockout compitition. we managed to raise nearly 5,000 in nickels. then there were hotdogs and cookies for everyone to eat. but after all the parents left we had to take down all the vbs decorations and put everything back in its usual order. but the church was absolutly covered. stacy and i drug all the toys back into our room from storage while theresea put them in place. but we had to find a tall person to hang the fish back on the ceiling. none of us were tall enough, even when standing on a chair. i hate being short sometimes. then i headed over to the kindergarten room, my room on sunday morning. the workers had everything in there, and were trying to figure out where it all went. i just starting put it all back the way i had it organized. finally made it home 3 hours later.

i've done nothing since i've been home. read some fanfiction, listened to music, crocheted. might watch some criminal minds. not much else going on. but mom says we're going to the farmers market tomorrow. i want to get another strawberry pie.

i'm so sore

i decided to ride my bike to church instead of walking today. it got into the 100s with humidity, so i needed to be able to get home quickly. but my bike was in the back of the shed behind everything else so it took me awhile to drag it out. but it's been years since i've last ridden, so i found out today i can't turn. so i have to stop and walk my bike around a corner. and now i'm sore. i have to walk bo-legged. and biking a mile uphill made my right knee hurt again. i had to put some ice on it when i got home. it's hard to walk with it now, hurts to bend it.

i think i got seriously dehydrated today. we were outside lots for rec, then i biked home. i had a horrible headache and body cramps. i was also really tired, but i wasn't thirsty. but i forced myself to drink a couple cups of water, then took a short nap. i feel a bit better now. i'm going to go to bed early tonight.

i dub thee-warren

i've decided on a name for my new laptop. warren. i think it totally fits my new lappy. and i've finally got all my docs, pics, music and everything off stupid and onto warren.

today was good at vbs. we decided that the preschoolers are way to scattered-brained to do any group planned game. we just let them play like we do with the 2 year olds. we put out the trampolines, hula hoops and chalk. that kept them entertained and it was less stressful for us adults. and for the kindergarteners we played a game with wet sponges. i had fun spashing the kids and squeezing water from the sponges on their heads. we had a lot of fun.

but there was a new person with theresea and i for rec, stacey. she's a friend of thereseas. they would stand there and talk and have fun, and i stood there feeling like a third wheel. not much fun at all.

i usually walk to church. but 3/4 the way there the sidewalk runs out. and to far in the grass there's lots of trash and broken stuff and sticks. so there is a small area between that and the street. but appartnly today, while walking to church some truck didn't like where i was walking, and when he was right next to me, he honked his horn really loudly. T.T it really scared me!! what if i had tripped or something and fallen into the street. he could have killed me! what a jerk!!!!>.<

ryan and i went bowling today though when i got home. we had lots of fun and got along really well. i'm not going to crochet at all tonight. i tried to earlier but my fingers hurt and cramp. i'm oing to give my self horrible arthritus one day with all the crocheting i do.

death of a close friend

i'm on the family computer goliath because my laptop, Stupid, has finally passed. he has been having a lot of problems lately, and today we weren't able to fix him this time. i was hoping he'd be able to make it through the rest of the year. i had already planned on getting a new computer on black friday. a shiny new one and naming it spencer (after spencer reid the genius on criminal minds. he's my fav!) but stupid has passed and now i'm using mom's old laptop she doesn't use anymore. but i need a name for it. i have no idea. i need a name, it'd be mean not to give it one. any ideas?

today was day 2 of vbs. it went slightly better. yesterday i learned preschoolers could not stand in a straight line to save their life. today i learned that they also cannot sit in a circle without being told where to sit. it's extremly frustrating.

i came home and crocheted the rest of the evening. though i did go and pick up my new glasses. 8D they're small square lenses with maroon red metal frame. and they're transition lenses!! so now at work when i go outside my eyes won't be blinded.


today was day 1 of vbs. i'm doing recreation (recess basically). our first group was 2 and younger 3 yrs old. that was utter chaos because we had to keep them in our tiny room. we were supposed to go to the baby room next to give the baby workers a break, but they were all asleep so they told us no. then we had older 3 and 4 yrs old. that. was. awful. we took them outside, and tried to play our planned game but it was a disastour. those kids could not stand in a straight line to save their life. ugh. but last we had the kindergarteners. and 3/4 of that group i know from my sunday school class. and they were AWSOME!!!!! all the chaos i had to suffer from the little ones was totally worth it. being able to play and spend time with my kids was wonderful. i love my kids. i know i kinda sound creepy to some kids, but being a teacher is my calling. i love my kids.

theresea (my rec partner) and i had to make a new plan for our 3/4 yrs old. then i walked home. read my book, talked to mom on the phone, took a nap. mom and ryan are home now. and mom and dad are fighting again now. i'm so tired of this. i've become the referee for the two now and i'm sick of it.

but i've created a wallpaper challenge. i can't make wallpapers but i wish i could. so i decided to make a challange. hopefully i'll get some entrys.