HELLOs. MintIceCream here(MIC for short) tis a world about me, and the crazy antics of my 5 cats that just love to drive me nuts.

Job-substitute teacher
i recently graduated from college with a BS degree in education, certified for art (I'm an art teacher). i currently sub teach while i shop for a job in my content area.

Mindy-my cat, she's a white cat with tabby splotches all over. She's 15 years old, nonsocial, phychotic, and crazy. But i love her all the same.

Texa-my dad's cat primarily, he has a tuxedo style coat. black with a white strip down his belly, on his paws, and the lower half of his face. he's also a manx(no tail) and very talkative. a gentle giant, very lovable, although he doesn't really like me to well. he's 11 years old. (he's also kind of a cranky old @$$)

Bogart-mom's cat. and mine sometimes. the very fat one of our family. he's 7 year old. a brown tabby who loves to raise chaos. he loves to terrorize the adults, and chew on everything. he's also a big pig and will eat anything. even though he's my mom's cat, he loves everyone. he's quite the ladies man. he prefers the company of women over men.

Sammie-Ryan's cat. 7 year old. he is all gray, with thick soft fur. the sweetest cat in the whole world. he isn't all that smart though, and kinda slow. definatley not our brightest bulb, but we love him all the same. he will do anything for a tidbit of human food, so i have managed to teach him a few tricks. his favorite food is gold fish. we try to tell him it's not a real fish, but he doesn't believe us.

Augustus (GUS for short)- everyone's cat. the newest addition to our family, we rescued him from a cousin who should be banned from owning animals. he was 5 weeks old when we got him, so tiny. he's now 3 years old. he is a miniture norwegian forrest cat. all black, orange eyes, and EXTREMLY fluffy. he is the baby of the family, and res1sident ninja/trouble-maker. he is also quite dog like. he will sit and shake paws for a treat, likes to play fetch, loves meeting new people, and go for walks on a leash and harness.

anyways, have fun, and enjoy the power of the minty-ness.

it broke

last night our roter finally died on us. so dad bought a new one today but he's having a hard time getting it to play with my old computer. so right now i'm on mom's computer.

i had to ride to the gym with mom this morning. dad is off today so he was going to take my car in to get fixed. but i wasn't feeling well after the gym so i came home instead of going to work. i took a nap and felt a little better. i went with dad to take my car in, and the repair guy wasn't there today, so we took in someplace else. but we had to leave it there so we had to walk all the way home. and it's hot outside. ugh. i hate heat. i hate summer.

on the way to the repair shop we turned a corner and one of my back wheels made a loud pop noise. we got out to check but couldn't see anything. i think my car is starting to fall apart.

what a slow day

today it was super slow at work. i got all of my crocheting done for the day while waiting on customers. but i did have to get eggs before i came home. and i managed to get them home without breaking a single one.

when i got home i discovered that mom had made a cake, with coconut shaving in the frosting. it's one of my deceased great grandmother's recipes. she was an awsome baker. mom let me have a big bite of the cake, and it was AWSOME! i'm not much of a coconut person, but i love my grandmother's cake. and since i've already finished crocheting i dug out my digimon game. i'm hoping to make some progress on it tonight.

one of my neighbors used to have a giant white dog. and whenever we walked by he would run up to the fence barking and snarling. very scary. but the white dog is gone now. now they have 2 little black puppies. and they are apsolutly adorable! i'm not a dog person, but i love those puppies. every night this week i've gone for a walk in the evening just so i couls stop by and pet the puppies. their fur is soft and fluffy.

finally open again!

after the gym, i went to drive to work to discover my car wouldn't start. the steering wheel and ignition was locked, and i couldn't figure out how to unlock it. so i had to leave it at the gym and walk down the street to work. i called mom to tell dad about it because my phone was in dad's car. he stopped by during his lunch break and was able to unlock the wheel and move it over to my work's lot.

izzie (one of the 3 friends i'm upset with) did something new today. the store next door was grilling hotdogs for people to try, and she asked if i wanted to go over with her on her break. she has never instigated time together, it was nice to walk over there with her. but i spilled ketchup on my shirt. i can't eat standing up. we also walked around the store together after work for a few minutes.

for the past 2-3 months the drive up lane for customers that have a lot of groceries has been taped off. so we baggers have had to drag lots of carts up the hill into the parking lot, which is exhausting. but today the rope was removed and the lane reopened. it was so nice to have customers be able to pull around.

i think i might play my digimon world 3 game. it's one of the reasons i still have my ps3. i haven't played it in so long, i haven't had time. but i think i'm going to get it out tonight.

new glasses

i saw my 3 'friends' at work today. christie came right to me when i got there and aplogized profusly. peggy had a good excuse. she had been in the emegency room sunday and got transfered someplace else yesterday. she has a fungus in her throat. izzy never said anything, which hurt. they accepted my cold shoulder with understanding. i et them know i forgive them, but that doesn't mean i'm not still upset. they lost my trust. i don't trust easy, i've been burned so many times. i'm almost starting to think i'd be better off not trusting at all.

but onto better news. afte work my parnts, brother and i went to eyemasters to pick out new glasses for my brother and i. ryan picked out a pair identical to his old ones. i like to get something completly different though. after 2 years i want to put something new and completly different on my face. my old ones are rectangle and brown. my new ones are red. but i'm sitching to transition lenses so i have to wait 2 weeks before i get my new glasses. but the transition lenses will make work much easier.

i have a question. i've seen around a lot, 'families'. they look like fun, and i REALLY want to join one, but am confused. what exactly is a family, and what do you do when you're in one?


today started off good. i did the water aerobics class with my mom. we did dumbbells today, and so my arms ache slightly and are tired. feels good. i then met my partner for vbs recreation and got our decorations all made.

then i headed to the bowling alley. me and 3 friends from work had planned to meet there at noon for lunch, hang out and bowl. nobody was there yet when i got there, which i figured i'd be the first to arrive. 10 minutes passed, and nobody showed. so i decided to eat while waiting. 20 minutes passed, then 30. i finished my lunch and watched the other groups there bowling and haveing fun. none of my friends showed up. christie texted me at 1 with her excuse, but the other 2 never did. i thought they were my friends, and they stood me up. i sat there like a fool waiting for them and they never showed! i'm torn between crying and being pissed off. this ALWAYS happens. i make some friends, we make plans, and they never show. i've decided i'm tired of it. i always have to do all the work when we make plans. check everyone's schedule, think of a place for us to go, what time, and work out transportation. but i guess my plans just aren't good enough for them. so when i see them at work tomorrow i'm going to tell them from now on i'm not doing any work. they can plan everything out now. then i'm going to give them the cold shoulder for the rest of the week.

other than that, i got my eyesite checked today. i had to get dilated. then they didn't give me any sunglasses. so driving home was no fun. and i had to go to the university to pay a parking ticket. joy. that campus confuses me so i always get lost everytime i go there. and i have to go to the same building each visit so you'd think i'd have figured out by now, but i don't.

i plan on relaxing the rest of the night. unfortunatly mom's making tacos for dinner. yuck. i hate tacos. maybe she'll let me make something else. or maybe i'll go get subway.