HELLOs. MintIceCream here(MIC for short) tis a world about me, and the crazy antics of my 5 cats that just love to drive me nuts.

Job-substitute teacher
i recently graduated from college with a BS degree in education, certified for art (I'm an art teacher). i currently sub teach while i shop for a job in my content area.

Mindy-my cat, she's a white cat with tabby splotches all over. She's 15 years old, nonsocial, phychotic, and crazy. But i love her all the same.

Texa-my dad's cat primarily, he has a tuxedo style coat. black with a white strip down his belly, on his paws, and the lower half of his face. he's also a manx(no tail) and very talkative. a gentle giant, very lovable, although he doesn't really like me to well. he's 11 years old. (he's also kind of a cranky old @$$)

Bogart-mom's cat. and mine sometimes. the very fat one of our family. he's 7 year old. a brown tabby who loves to raise chaos. he loves to terrorize the adults, and chew on everything. he's also a big pig and will eat anything. even though he's my mom's cat, he loves everyone. he's quite the ladies man. he prefers the company of women over men.

Sammie-Ryan's cat. 7 year old. he is all gray, with thick soft fur. the sweetest cat in the whole world. he isn't all that smart though, and kinda slow. definatley not our brightest bulb, but we love him all the same. he will do anything for a tidbit of human food, so i have managed to teach him a few tricks. his favorite food is gold fish. we try to tell him it's not a real fish, but he doesn't believe us.

Augustus (GUS for short)- everyone's cat. the newest addition to our family, we rescued him from a cousin who should be banned from owning animals. he was 5 weeks old when we got him, so tiny. he's now 3 years old. he is a miniture norwegian forrest cat. all black, orange eyes, and EXTREMLY fluffy. he is the baby of the family, and res1sident ninja/trouble-maker. he is also quite dog like. he will sit and shake paws for a treat, likes to play fetch, loves meeting new people, and go for walks on a leash and harness.

anyways, have fun, and enjoy the power of the minty-ness.

much better

sorry bout my angry rant yeserday. but getting that all out did make me feel better. and today was a much better day. i finally got my check from my daycare job. so i have lots of money to buy supplies for my art projects.

i went to the gym when i got off from the daycare. i managed to do a whole hour on one of the stairmasters, but my right knee is a little achey. i wish it would just heal and leave me alone.

i found the clock perfect for my clockwork staff. i've been looking at wristwatches and pocket watches but they've all ben to small. but today at a jewler store i found a small desk clock in a piece of glass. now dad and i just have to figure out how to get it out of the piece of glass. dad thinks it will be easy.i went to michaels and found the sculpting clay i need, and i went to lowes and found the wood i need. i forget to get the wood boards to make clockwork's tower, so i'll have to go back.

rigt now i'm starving. i was hopeing mom would have dinner done when i got home, but it wasn't. so now i'm starving and i can smell delicious pizza coming from the kitchen. i'm so hungry!!!

i hate today

today started off good, everything went well at the gym. but when i got to work all us baggers discovered something horrile.the extra lane we have beside our store was inaccessable. there is construction going on it out parking lot, so we already have been haveing to climb up the ramps dragging carts of grocery's to the store next to us's parking lot. but now to make matters worse, they close down the street to out pull up lane. we only have to arms, we can only push two carts at once. and today was the day when 90% of the customers had HUGE orders, which tended to be 3-4 carts. poor wendy had an order that ened up being 6 carts. so we have to drag 2 carts across the street, up the ramp, up the parking lot which is uphill, then run back to get the other carts. or the customers had to help us and push a cart or two, which they were NOT happy about. so today just sucked.

and when i got home, i was in no mood to socialize with the family. but they WONT LEAVE ME ALONE. first ryan is bugging me cause he wants to use my account to buy something, but dad insists on helping and is a total grumpy BEAR! then he comes and bugs me about my cell phone payment, then if i've checked something on the computer, then comes in my room and yells at me for not folding my clothes yet. i'd finally had enough and snapped back that it was hard to fold clothes when he was up my butt about everything else. he's gone now. i hope he stays in the living room now. i just want to listen to the phieas and ferb soundtrack a friendlent me, and crochet. i've decided i'm to stressed today to bother with homework. i'll start it tommorow.

and because today wasn't bad enough, the family computer froze on me AGAIN! i have to use that computer to put music and videos on my zune, but i swear that computer has is out to get me or something. i was able to put phineas and ferb on my zune, but not some more danny phantom videos maybe i'll try tomorrow. i ahte that computer.

finally home again, but not for long

i had to do another observation today. today i obserbed a 3rd grade classroom. i spnt my moning there, and was able to get enough notes for ANOTHER paper, then headed to the gym. but when i got there all the good elipticals were taken to i had to start my workout by lifting weights.but i did manage to finish my workout 30 minutes sooner than expected, so i had an hour free before i ad to head to class. so i came home and i managed to get everything set up for tomorrow. i don't want to go to class though, i hate evening classes!

last night i showed dad my sketch of the staff i want to make, and he showed me the board i could use. now i just need to call my instructor to make sure it's okay. i also old my dad that menards told me that they didn't have the block of wood i wanted, and he said they were full of poop, that the did have it. so he said tuesday he'll go to menards with me to get the wood. but maybe i can convince him to go wednesday instead. i also need to get some sculpting clay from micheals, and i can get it cheaper on wednesday.

i started my fanfic yesterday. i really only have 3 paragraphs dow so far, but i'm really excited to finally be writing one of my own. but now i don't think i'm gonna have the time to really work on it. my brother's bday is at the end of this month, and i told him i'd crochet him a blanket for his gift. i'm about half way done, but if i don't start working on it again it's NOT going to be done in time. -.-; i wish there were two of me. then i could get more stuff done.

i hate menards

i gave my sunday school class apples fr snac today, with caramel to dip it in. but they made a mess with the caramel. the tables ended up all sticky.

i went to walmart and menards to get supplies for my art project. i manage to get a cool watch for the staff, now i just need to figure out how to get the wrist strap off of it. i got a pole at menards for my staff. i as stuck in that evil place for 45 minutes. ugh. first, they didn't have a block of wood large enough for me to carve out of, and then the pole they gave me at first was way to think.i had to go around back to pick it up, and realized (after wandering around forever trying to find the dumb thing) that it was way to think.so i had to go back inside to get a different pole. dad said he has some wooden boards that he can permentaly stick together to make a block of wood for me to hack at. so i was going to buy the wooden polesto make our garden fence but didn't. i calleddad to ask what kind of poles we needed for the garden,and he kept aksing me if i drove my car there. well duh. he then told me that th poles we 8 feet long. it was then i realized that my car isn't 8 feet. so even if i bought the poles i wouldn't have been able to get them home.

i got the supplies for my plushies last nght though. and when i went to get the cloth, i saw that there was silk cloth. and in all the colors i needed! so my plushies shall she shiny and silky soft!

i'm home now for a few minutes. i have handbell rehearsel tonight, and i have to do daycare for my church. i'm hoping that dad will be home when i get home, so i can show him my staff sketch to make sure he has enough wood or me. i'm also going to put some finishing touches on my essay. i think i'm going to take a notebook to church with me to start working on my fanfic while i watch the kids. all i need for it now is a title. which i'm horrible at. oh well, maybe the kds will be able to help me.


lazy day

went to the gym this morning. mailed a book. and bought fertalizer for my strawberry plant. yep, it's been a slow morning. i'm going to a friend's house this evening to hang out. but for now i'm just going to work on the planning of my art projects. i need to work out the dimensions, and make a list of all the materials i'm gonna have to buy. plus i need to make sketches. ah well. i almost bought some seeds to grow white pumpkins. i grew miniture orange ones last year, and was gonna do it again this year, but the white pumpkins looked so cool! i also want to grow cucumbers, jalapenos, onions and bell peppers. my main goal though is to get my stawberry plant bigger and have it spread out some more.

i managed to finish my essay last night. i was thinking of starting my fanfic today, but realized there are still some things i have to research. but i need help. the main character has to have a traumatic death, but live in Holland in 1666. how does one die traumatically in 1666 that doesn't involve didease. hmmm. any ideas?