HELLOs. MintIceCream here(MIC for short) tis a world about me, and the crazy antics of my 5 cats that just love to drive me nuts.

Job-substitute teacher
i recently graduated from college with a BS degree in education, certified for art (I'm an art teacher). i currently sub teach while i shop for a job in my content area.

Mindy-my cat, she's a white cat with tabby splotches all over. She's 15 years old, nonsocial, phychotic, and crazy. But i love her all the same.

Texa-my dad's cat primarily, he has a tuxedo style coat. black with a white strip down his belly, on his paws, and the lower half of his face. he's also a manx(no tail) and very talkative. a gentle giant, very lovable, although he doesn't really like me to well. he's 11 years old. (he's also kind of a cranky old @$$)

Bogart-mom's cat. and mine sometimes. the very fat one of our family. he's 7 year old. a brown tabby who loves to raise chaos. he loves to terrorize the adults, and chew on everything. he's also a big pig and will eat anything. even though he's my mom's cat, he loves everyone. he's quite the ladies man. he prefers the company of women over men.

Sammie-Ryan's cat. 7 year old. he is all gray, with thick soft fur. the sweetest cat in the whole world. he isn't all that smart though, and kinda slow. definatley not our brightest bulb, but we love him all the same. he will do anything for a tidbit of human food, so i have managed to teach him a few tricks. his favorite food is gold fish. we try to tell him it's not a real fish, but he doesn't believe us.

Augustus (GUS for short)- everyone's cat. the newest addition to our family, we rescued him from a cousin who should be banned from owning animals. he was 5 weeks old when we got him, so tiny. he's now 3 years old. he is a miniture norwegian forrest cat. all black, orange eyes, and EXTREMLY fluffy. he is the baby of the family, and res1sident ninja/trouble-maker. he is also quite dog like. he will sit and shake paws for a treat, likes to play fetch, loves meeting new people, and go for walks on a leash and harness.

anyways, have fun, and enjoy the power of the minty-ness.

i'm not good at titles

i had art class today. managed to finish my latest project. i made a mold out of plaster of 4 different bullets, then melted down crayons and poured then in the mold.i ended up with a grand total of 37ish crayon bullets which i then used to make a flower with a peace sign in the center. i heated one side and then stuck it onto a stretched cloth. lastly i cut out pictures of war devestation and pasted them all around the colorful bullet flower.

for my next project i think i'm going to try to carve a lifesize version of CLockwork's staff out of wood. if i can't do that then i'll carve a miniture (maybe about two feet tall) version out of plaster. for my final project i'm going to make clockwork plushies. one of him as a child, another as an adult and the third will be old man clockwork. i will also make staffs and watches for the plushies out of clay. i can't wait. hopefully i get my check from work this weekend so i can buy the wood and cloth to get started.clockwork is my current obsession.

last night i had to get intimate with my car.the steering wheel was jammed, and i was haveing the hardest time turing my car. it was exhasting. my dad pulled a hose off of something to remove a filter we think was too big so it was clogging the hose, preventing the fluid from lubricating my engine or something. i don't know, i'm not a mechanic. but to keep all the fliud from draining after the hose was pulled off i had to reach my hand into the engine and stop the hole with my finger. i got strange icky liquid on my hand. yuck. but i think pulling out that filter did the trick, because i was able to manuver my car today when i went to class.

i think i'm going to be able to finish my essay tonight. i have maybe 3-4 more pages, and it should be done. yay! i will then have saturday free to start my fanfic, and go to a friend's house in the evening, we're going to watch the new ALice in Wonderland movie.

one more thing, mom's making jumbalya for dinner tonight! jumbalya is in my top 3 favorite foods, i absolutly love it. sadly, i am the only one in my house that loves it. everyone else merely likes it. so mom hardly ever makes it.

slow day

work was slow and boring today. but i was able to spend plenty of time with monique, and she gave me lots of ideas for the sunday school class i teach. now i just have to type them up and save them so i don't forget them.

my car's steering wheel is stuck. my dad recently changed the steering wheel fluid pupm (it was leeking when the car was on, and when we turned it off it spat at my dad ). but i think he did something wrong, because now it's a major arm wrestling contest to turn my car, especially to get out of a parking lot. ugh. it's exhausting.

i think i've gotten the majority of my research done for my danny phantom fanfic. just a little bit more, then i'm gonna start typing hopefully. but unfortuantly, i have to finish my essay (which is due monday) done fisrt. i'm gonna try to get 5-7 pages typed tonight, and hopefully that put at near completion. then another 5ish pages tomorrow, i'll be done and have several hours on saturday all to myself to start my fanfic.


i managed to get all 3 chapters read (well, more like skimmed really) and the 3 worksheets done today! and with time to spare . now i just have to get my huge essay finished.

i had to do daycare today at my church. we made superhero masks. went to the gym, came home, did homework. not to exciting. except i had to give my cat a bath today. she was constipated, and so i called the vet. they told me to have her sit in a tub of lukwarm water to relax her butt. but considering how cats hate water, i think the bath just stressed her out even more. i haven't seen her since the bath, so i'm assuming she's mad at me and avoiding me. but surprisingly the bath looks like it worked so far. hopefully the problem won't return. it was extremly akward to have to keep checking her butt.

i have decided to try to write a fanfic for Danny Phantom. i've had tons of ideas for many fanfics but never actually written any of them, but i think i'm actualy going to try this time. but i realized the story i want to write will be confusing if i don't explain some things first, so my story idea has evolved into a series of 4 stories. right no thougth i'm still doing research. clockwork is going to the focus of 2, maybe 3 of the stories. and considering he is the master of all time and knows all, i should probably have the facts straight on some things i'm going to have him say.

i hate homework

i managed to get home last night without getting lost. i had one slight moment of panic, but i think i've got it down now. but when i got to class i found out we were supposed to read chapters 8, 9 and 10 and do a worksheet for each. i did 8 and 9 but didn't know about 10. thankfully the teacher said i could email it to her today. which i should be doing now. then i have to read three more chapters, 11, 12 and 13 and do a workshhet for each. and lets not forget about that huge essay which i thought i had two weeks to do, turns out it's due this upcoming monday. i wanted to sleep over at one friends house friday, and spend saterday at the zoo with another friend, but it looks like i'm going to be holed up in my room with my cat doing homework instead.

today was good though. the parking lot at work is getting remodeled and torn apart, so for the past 2 weeks most of it has been roped off. but today most of it was open for customers to park in again. and easter candy was reduced to half price, so aflac mike went and bought 60 chocolate covered peeps, and then distributed 30 of them. he gave me 2! i ate on, but have the other stashed away where my dad wont find it for later.

i hate papers

went to the gym this morning, had a great workout and managed to lift some weights. i then had to go to a jewlers store to have my watch fixed. i bought an alice in wonderland watch on ebay, and it has the chesire cat on it(the coolest character ever) but it was way to big. it slid right off my wrist. i had the jewler take some of the links out of the band. now it fits. yay! went to a party of sorts today as well. one of the cashiers where i work is building a house and kansas and will be moving there. i'm really going to miss her, she's so nice to me. a bunch of us got together with her at a china buffett for lunch.

right now i'm supposed to be working on my paper, which my teacher said should be 20-30 pages long. but it's not due for another 2 weeks, so i'll start it today, hopefully get a few pages typed before i head out to class tonight. ugh, i hate evening classes. dad showed me a new way to get there that is 15-20 minutes faster, but includes lots of exits and lane changes. the way i usually drive stakes an hour and there are lots of red lights and idiots to deal with. hopefully i can master the faster way, and learn all the exits i'm supposed to take without getting lost. wish me luck!