spa pedicure

i took grandma to church with me yesterday, she really liked my church. then we all went to red robin for lunch. next we went to kohls, and mom got us a few things. one of mine was a pair of new sleep shorts. their brown, with poka dots. it's called flashing lights, but i think they look more like fireworks. then we went ot walmart, we needed to get some oil for my car, it was low. then mom decided to get a pedicure, and i joined her. she got her toes glittery purple, and mine are glittery red. i love them.

today, i was going to go to the gym after class, but i forgot my tennis shoes. but the pedicure had reminded me of something i had seen at Micheals awhili ago, so i went and got it. it's a book that teaches you a whole bunch of different designs to do on nails. it even came with some nail polish. i have a different design on each nail now. i have a butterfly, jalapeno, flowers and vine, ladybug, fish(which i love), pawprints, flower, clouds with birds, and zebra strips. but on my right thumb, i did something i saw in watchmen. it's a smiley dace with a blood smear. i think that, the fish, and the jalapeno are my favs.

i did grandmas nails to look like dice. since then i've been studying. i have a test to take today for my art history class. i have 3 hours to do 40 questions and 4 short answer questions. which i plan on doing right after i shower.

