
yesterday i skipped class. i just didn't feel like going. i bought some nail polish though. the nail polish that came with the design book is horrible stuff. then i went to see the movie earth. it was at a cheaper theatre quite a ways out though. that's the farthest i've ever driven by myself. but afterward, mom took off so fast, i wasn't able to follow her home. grandma was riding with me, and we kinda guessed. but we did make it home eventually, we just ended up taking the scenic route. then we went swimming, but i didn't swim for very long. i prefer to do the doggy paddle. it's the easiest and most comfortable for me. but mom always yells at me, so i just got out and snoozed on a chair. when i went for a walk afterwards, grandma had said she had gotten to talk to my dad. that kinda hurt. i never get to talk. whenever i manage to get the phone, i usually only get enough time to say hi, bye and i love you. he always has to leave to go to work, or wants to talk to mom. he talks to her and ryan all the time. yesterday i got called down to get scolded by him via skype, along with ryan. they say we argue to much. what do they expect, for us to love each other and never have disagreements and be perfect. then he said we were dismissed. which meant time for me to leave. but from my room, i could hear mom, ryan and him talking and laughing and haveing fun.

today, i did go to class, then the gym. i played raquetball for an hour, then dug some quarters out of my change in the car to buy some lunch. all there is at home is meatball lean pockets, and i had eaten one of them already before leaving for class, and i really didn't want another. so i managed to get a little bit of food from burger king, and hopefully that will last me till i get home. i have to be at work in a few minutes. hopefully mom will save me a plate of whatever she is cooking for dinner, if she cooks. otherwise it's yet another meatball lean pocket.
