out of town

click here to see the baby kittens
when i went out of town, i got to see my cousin's cat snowball's newborn kittens. they were 6 days old.

i stayed at my grandma's place overnight, while ryan and mom went to stay the night with my aunt laurie. there was a huge event going on along main street. there was a 19 year old guy singing 50s music. and a car show. there were three empalas too. i drive an ampala, and i love it. but these 3 were from the 60s. i managed to get pics of 2, but the 3rd one drove off. the music was great, and i got a t-shirt, and his autograph.

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then the next morning, we got up early and went to the farmers market. i only had one dollar, so there wasn't much i could get. but there was one lady who was selling herb/spice plants. i got a greek oragano one. it smells so nice. it comes back she says, and spreads.

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