
studied in class, going to take the test tomorrow. went to the gym and played raquetball. went home to get my little sweaterin case i needed it for work. it's been late summer early fall type weather here. took a short nap before work. work was good. watchmen came out on dvd today. but i was broke, so to get it i had to go to work. and my problem has come back. doctor said to drink more water, would go away. worked for a bit, but doesn't anymore. a few years ago, the first doctor mom took me too said that eating more vegetables like lettuces, and corrtots would help. and prunes. but to avoid corn and dairy. and to take a vitamin. but that didn't work either. but after work, i managed to find a bag of prunes. they taste weird, but not as bad as mom said. and if you plug your nose, you don't taste them at all, except it's hard to swallow. and there's still a bit of an aftertaste. am kinda watching my watchmen movie while typeing, and i still need a shower, and i have a french test tomorrow. and another composition assignment due tomorrow, but i'm going to try to do it tonight. and i still need to finish my workbook. i hate french. when it was a classroom setting with a teacher physically with me in high school, it was easier, not alwways fun, but i could do it. but as an online class, i struggle. and i hate it. but i have a C. so i'm okay, i suppose. here's some more car pics from the car show.

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