work once again

got up early to mow. but gas can was empty. so grabbed mom's credit card and went to gas station to fill it. filled my car too. mowed the front. left mower out for mom and ryan. went to church. went to work. the adult bagger, i hate most of them. well, mostly just the females. most of them are asian. makes me feel kinda bad. have lots of asian friends, and they are the best. but the old cranky asian baggers are horrible cranky and nasty. most won't talk to me, even to tell which line they're on. or will just ignore me and chatter with each other in some asian language. and won't leave my bags alone. are determined that their way of bagging is only right way. will rearange my bags, go through them, and sometimes take their bags and put them in my bagging space, and shove me aside. have no concept of keeping out of people's personal bubble. drive me nuts. hate them. left early to sneak to borders. wanted rorshach and nite owl figurines that i saw yesterday. but knew mom would be mad. but she called, wanted me to get sour cream and ice cream from commissary. but was already at borders, far away from commissary, so got them from hyvee instead. mom wanted to order pizza for diner, and ryan and i had to share one, but he likes thin crust, and i hate it. so had mom flip a coin. i won. had normal crust. saving rest of money for hair cut. gonna try and get it cut tomorrow after class.

have decided what to do with my giant warped canvas. am going to do a castle in forground. with bogart as king, texa as a knight, and sammie as a jester. and mindy in far off castle as evil sorceress. but need to get out apron, and print design on first, and finish my designs of castle and the cats new looks first. when finish, will take a pic and post it here. but may be a long while. need to go to micheals and get some more paint.
