new phone

after class, we all went to sprint store. ryan was eligable for new phone. found out me too. but just switche from current phone to my old blue katana. then went to walmart. then i had a hair cut appointment. got my hair trimmed and thinned. feels so much better now. also bought a new nailpolish for mom. but need a shower, am itchy. but then we went to nebraska furnitur mart. needed new filter for fridge. but went to look at phones. sprint store had horrible selection. ne furn, mart had much better selection, and were way way cheaper. ryan and i each got a sanyo 2700. mines impulse pink, and ryan's deep blue. have decided, in november, i turn 19, and will be able to get my own phone plan. want texting and internet. and my new phone has a keyboard, which is perfect. owe mom 20 for the phone though. that's all mine cme to. redid nails with new dark blue polich, and lighter blue tipped with strip down center. have to do tests for art class now.

a pic of mine and ryan's new phones
