new glasses

after class, stopped by the commissary to try to find prune juice. and to get more choc. ice cream. i've found the best way to eat prunes, is with the nose plugged. and once you get used to that, they kinda taste good. but when you unplug the nose, there is a horrible after taste. so i eat some choc. ice cream to kill it. then, picked up mom and ryan. had to renew lisence plate stickers for empala, then went to eyemasters to get new glasses. absolutly love shopping for new glasses. is something that's stuck on my face for 2-2 1/2 years. so am always excited for a change. is a sale right now. 2 for $100. ryan and i each got a new glasses. but am going to save up, and gonna get myself 2 more pairs. that way i can switch when tired of one pair, and am gonna get one pair as sunglasses, but with my prescirtion in it, for driving. my new ones are square, and a broze color. the other pair i liked were also square, but a deep red color. but also want a pair that only has half a frame. looks cool. but new script is messing with my eyes. everything is sharper, clearer. but the ground can't seem to decide if it wants to be up in my face, or farther away than it usually is. feels like i'm wearing the drunk goggles we tried on in health class few years back. but then we has to kill time before glasses were ready. so went to hyvee for lunch, and shopped around a bit. then got glasses, dropped ryan off at home, then mom and i went to the theatre. i saw the new ice age movie, and mom saw the ugly truth. managed to convince her to let me drive home. i drive very well, and safe. but she always wants to find something to nitpick about, and she did, and it drives me nuts. really wnat it to be november. stupid nebraska. in every other state, as 18, i'd be considered an adult. but not here. here it's 19. i can't buy a house, lease an appartment, buy a car, get a checking account, or even get my own phone plan. and i really want my own phone plan. want texting and internet really bad.

forgot, after i got my new phine yesterday, called dad real quick. mom and ryan had hogged the phone like usual. so i barely got to say hi and i love you before he had to leave for work. told him to call my phone first int he morning, before he called mom, so i could actually get a chance to talk. he said he would. mom said he usually calls her about 7:30 am. he's in korea, 14 hours ahead. so 7:30 am on the 28th here, is 9:30 pm the 29th there. but i woke up early, and waited. and waited. it turned 8, then 8:30, then 9, which meant it was getting close to midnight there. so i knew then he wasn't going to call. i cried. i barely get to talk to him. miss him so much. thought maybe he had forgotten me, and called mom. she said he had never called he. so he either had a huge emergency stand by call, or blew me off, and just went to sleep. turns out, he fell asleep. i had to call him. and didn't get to take much(as usual) cause it was late for him, and he had to get up early for work. and he wanted to talk to ryan and mom(of cours, he has to talk to them, never mind me). he never would talk to me, if it weren't for ryan. dad always talks to mom, then ryan, then has to leave. but ryan always asks him to talk to me before leaving. but usually it's only enough time for a hi bye and quick i love you. if this keeps up, i'm gonna tell him, if he wants to talk to me, he can call my phone, otherwise, i'll see him in november, when he retires and comes home.
