no teacher

found the chat this morning. well, actually, had found it long time ago, but never had entered it. but was bored and did this morning. i like to just watch others chat. it's hilarious. and i can't ever think of any way to join them most of the time. but when i went to class, teacher wasn't there. waited for a bit, then left. went to the gym. swam 2 miles. water was freezing. sign says it's 79, but feels more like 60. as soon as i had the flippers on, kicked furiously to get moving to warm up. could've done more. but was using flippers. last time, i was really sore. and has been a while sinve i've swimmed. didn't want to overdo it and hurt myself. went to town library, but they didn't have the book i was looking for, so put it on hold. then went back to the base, and went to the lemon lot to see what cars were for sale there. then went to bx(basically a mini mall type place) and went to the gnc store. bought some weight loss pills called alli. mom tried it last sumer, and had worked for her a bit. but she wasn't very serious or dedicated, and quit. there are lots of things i can't do cause i'm not 19. but there are a few. i could smoke if i wanted to(but i don't) and i can buy pills. but then went to work. was horrible slow, so left and came home. mom had made scotcheroos, so had one of those, read the books that came with my pills. fought with mindy. she wanted to lay in front of the laptop, and i said no. then she decided that my arm was a good place to lay. was fine till i needed to type. then i couldn't because of HER BUTT!! fought, and she left in a huff. ut will be back. always comes back.

