super cleaning

mom left to take haylie back this morning. ryan and i stayed home. went to gym at noon. legs were still tired and stiff from zoo yesterday. when i was done, legs were shaky, was hard to stay standing. was exhausted. and staring. had coupon for burger king. got it and ryan and went home. then napped. had horrible headache. got up, ans still had headache, so had to take some medicine. the ellen came over. whenever she is over, ryan says horrible things about me to her, i think to impress her and make himself look big. but really hurts. when ellen left, had remembered that mom had wanted us to vacuum. decided to super clean. dusted, vacuumed, cleaned mirrors and tvs, stripped beds and pillow cases, remade mom's bed, collected garbages and took out trash, cleaned dishes(most went into the dishwasher) and collected all dark clothes and put them in washer. then tidied up house, and cleaned our rooms. mom was very happy. brought us home some maid right sandwiches. had them for diner.
