work sucks

this morning, went to gym, but flippers were digging into my ankles to badly. so just went to commissary to pick up mom's cake and some candles. when i got home, had ryan distract mom so i could sneak the cake into the kitchen. then we lit it, but on the way to mom, the candles went out, so we had to light it on front of her, then ryan and i sang happy bday to her. she loved the cake.

then i came up with an idea to help my ankles. mom had wanted to throw away a red shirt, cause she doesn't like red, but i saved it and had put it in my sewing box. but i draged it out, and cut some strips. sewed them together, to make a wrap for my ankle to have a cushion between them and the flippers. hopefully now all my sores all over my ankles will heal.

napped with bogart real quick before work. work sucked. were to many baggers, and not enough customers. so left early. but did make enough for tomorow. am taking mom to see a movie, then to get pedicures. then today she said she wanted to eat chinese afterwards, but she said she would pay for that.

when i was diggin in my closet, i pulled out my box of yarn. have decided to try to crochet another blanket. my last one(which was also my first) i kinda messed up on. looks like a scarf, but is wide enough for a queen size bed. but mindy needs a new bed. she had some accidents in her other one, and we had to throw it away. so i'm going to take my scarf blanket, fold it up, and put in mindy's kennel for a bed for her.

texa loved the turkey i got him for his bday. but i made him share it with the others. but there is still a lot left, so i'm going to give them some tomorrow too.
