new blanket

few days ago, when i was at the zoo, i had to run real fast down the hill very far because the train had arrived, and i didn't want to miss it. and i got a sore from my shoe digging into my foot. last night, the sore was burning and itching horribly. and i couldn't help it, i scratched. i tried to cover it w/ a band-aid, so i couldn't scratch, but that made the itching worse, so i tore it off, and scratched. mom thinks it's because of the clorine from swimming. but i came up with an idea. put some ice into a sandwich baggy, and numbed the sore. then it didn't itch.

this morning, decided to walk instead of swim, but needed to find cord to charge zune. didn't want to walk w/out music. tore room apart. but found lots od cords EXCEPT for my zune one. so i was forced to dig out my cd player(which i keep around for emergencies like these) and decided to listen to the speedracer movie soundtrack while walking.

last night, i also dug out my old yarn. have started crocheting a new blanket, using the right stich. last time i meant to do the single stich, but ended up doing the slip stich. got my old book out, to make sure i ended up doing the single this time. hasn't even been a full day, and i'm almost done with the first ball of yarn, and my blanket is currently approximatly 2 inches tall. am very happy.

went to see movie The Perfect Getaway w/ mom. was very good, suspensful, not scary type of rated r movie. but was a logical type movie. which mom can never get. so once we got into te car, i had to very slowly explain everything to her. then we went to get pedicures. then, since we were in walmart, i went to look at he yarn. found 2 i likes. well, found lots i liked, but could only afford 2. i'm makeing my blanket with yarn that is multicolored. the ball i'm working on now is brown, yellow, blue, and white. for my 2 new ones, one is blue green yellow orange red and purple. the other is green yellow and blue. also got a baggy of disposable razors.

came home, snuggled w/ mindy and crocheted. ate dinner(leftover spagetti, yuck) but mom made some cookies. which were good. really wish i could find my zune cord though. but don't know where else to look.
