
last night, mom found in her nightstand drawer, my dad's blutooth charger that plugs into the comp. and his blutooth fits my old mp3 player zen stone. so while i still can't find my zune cord, i now have an mp3 player. so this morning first thing i did was hook it up tot he comp. and charge it and change the music. but then mom decided we were going to mow today. when it's 100 out. but then i went for a long walk for some more exercise. when i got back mom and ryan couldn't figure out the sprinkler, and i got drug into it. then they forced me to sweep the grass off the sidewalk, while they watched and laughed and relaxed. which didn't help my mood.

last night, dad had actually called my phone, but not because he wanted to catch up. he needed me to look for something because mom wouldn't. but i told him to call me in the morning. but when i got up, i heard him talking to mom instead. she said because she called him. but he still didn't call me. i was really upset. last time he forgot, and fell asleep, and this time he just forgot completly. but it turned out it was just miscommunication. he just called me at around 8:30 pm. which is 10:30 am for him. he thought i meant call me his morning, not my morning. but he remembered. so my fears about him not caring/wanting to have a relationship w/ me are(hopefully) not true.

after the yardwork, i showered and just got back into my pjs. crocheted and watched tv all day. but in the evening, mom decided she wanted to go to kohls, and to eat at Californa Taco. i wasn't so sure about the taco place though. am not a fan of mexican food at all. prefer cajun food personally. but was willing to give it a try. was okay, i suppose. fries were good.

my blanket is now 4 and 3 quarters of an inch tall. and i'm on my second ball of yarn.
