fun day

got up this morning,and called dad w/ laptop via skype. then went to church. was family fun day. was supposed to be outside. but started to lightning in distance, so we had to move everything inside. so there were 700 people squished in the sanctuary together for sevice. was crowded, but awsome. then went and ate w/ olivia. were games for kids, but didn't go to check them out.

didn't want to work today, so killed enough time at church so mom wouldn't bug me to go. went home and finished speed racer. crocheted. went out to living room and watched tv w/ mom, and crochted. was a marathon of show called I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. mom was trying to tell me it wasn't like it was on the show. she sugarcoats being pregnant and giving birth because she is oppsesed with me giving her grandkids. but i never want ot have kids. and i don't think 12 people all haveing the same reactions on the show is exagetrating how painful it is. mom is just insane oppsesed.
