essay/would anyone like a kitten

today, after i finished cleaning up after my walk, mom called and said she was going to go out toeat w/ melody again, this time to little burro's. asked if i wanted to tag along, and i did. but matt kept wanting to talk about the stupid dbz thing he showed me yesterday, and was kinda annoying. he wants to come over again one last time tomorrow before school starts for hm on thursday. i told him maybe. i had a huge essay due for my art class, and a translating assignment for french. i have finished the essay. spent all day doing it. but since i was doing that, i didn't get much crocheting done again. but i'm on my 3rd ball of yarn.

if you guys remember, i had posted vids and pics of some kittens my cousin Brittanies cat Snowball had had. she is expecting us to take one. but the pet limit in my area is 3, and we have 4. and adding a 5t would not only be illegal, but isn't fair to the 4 we already have. so i made an email w/ cute pics of him and sent it to everyone i have in my contacts. he'll be able to leave his mam in 2-3 weeks. he is white, w/ a black mask and cape. his name is Zorro. hopefully someone will be able to take them.

mom and i went to petsmart after eating, and got lots of stuff for our ctas. and i got something for me. you know the signs people put on their fence that says WARNING, ATTACK DOG or something like that. well, they had a smaller one that said ATTACK CAT. i got it and have it hanging from the doorknob for my room. it have a black cat doing the halloween thing. back arched, hissing. love it.

also got m glasses ajusted. earpieces were digging into my head. rather painful. but they were able to loosen them. feel much better now.
