
turned in my essay, and finished and turned in my last french assignment. matt had wanted to come over today, but i had to work this afternoon, so i really just wanted to relax till then and crochet. but melody wanted me to look at his schedule and see if the teachers he got were good ones. but when i called for him to tell me what teachers he had, they thought i was calling for him to come over. so i ended up soending my afternoon w/ him. he brought another dbz movie over. one w/ broly. but he kept trying to mae jokes about what was going on and talk during the movie. very annoying. work was good today. bought some pudding before i left. had a sore throat. pudding/yogurt/jello always makes my throat feel better.

still no luck at finding zorro a home. asked all my fellow baggers, but nobody wanted a kitten.
