no more school

today, when i was walking, i saw a garage sale. they had cute dresses haylies size. i bought 2. and they had a really cool mug. it's round, and yellow and has a :D style smily face on it. i can't resist when it comes to mugs. i love them. i use one every morning for my juice.

mom called while i was browsing shirts. dad had wanted us to mail a baggy of all patches from all the squadrons he's been in. mom had lost it. she blamed bogart. told me to hurry home and search all of bogarts usual stasing spots. but the bag was in the Pilot. mom's car. techniacally she owns the impala to, but it's my gas in the car. but she's to lazy to fill the Pilot, so she's been driving the impala, and uueing MY gas. grrr. but if she had been driving her own car, she would have known were the patches were. istead she got all angry at bogart, and he didn't do it. this time.

took the last test for my art history class. now i'm all done. i have a 2 week break before fal quarter starts. crocheted, then napped before work. work was fine. there's this carnival thing in the parking lot next to the commissary. i had forgotten it was coming. tomorrow i'm gonna go spend all of my money there, and hopefully come home w, lots of stuffed animals.

blanket update. i have just a tiny bit left on my 3rd ball of yarn, so tomorrow i will be starting the fouth. also, it is 10 1/2 inches tall.
