
slept in today. early morning, started to thunder and pour, so decided to skip my walk this morning. went to go grocery shopping w/ mom and ryan. was to early for the carnival. they were still setting up. i hate shopping w/ mom. she insists that we all stay together, but it would be so much faster if we split up.

after we had unloaded the groceries and put them away, ryan and i went to the carnival. there was this one stand were you could try samples of Monster enery drink. they sucked. i only had a few sips, but it gave me a stomach ache. rode the twister once, and the scrambler twice. ride i really wanted to go on was broken. played some games and got some prizes. then got burger king for lunch.

came home, showered and crocheted. i need more yarn. i was going to run real quick, but mom wouldn't let me. but i started my 5th ball. Titanic was on tv. i've never actually watched the whole thing. but a while ago, i left to go to my room. i knew it was going to give me nightmares. but i turned it on in my room. i know i'm gonna have nightmares. that's why i've never watched it before.

tomorrow after church i'm gona go get lots of yarn.
