nightmares and stomach aches

titanic did give me nightmares. horible ones. one was so bad, that when i woke up, i was so confused. i didn't recognize my room, or know where i was. then it started to storm early morning. usually on bad nights like that, i grab my 2 stuffed cats, sheba and spice. but i couldn't find them. and i was to chicken to look under my bed. then around 6:30, i had horrible stomach aches, and was sick. but then mom was up to, to let the cats up. so i turned my lamp on, found sheba and spice, then tried to get some sleep before church. i left my lamp on.

after an hour, i felt better. i grabbed a baggy of cereal to take w/ me. after church, i went to walmart, and 7 more balls of yarn. all different. am very happy. slept when i got home for a while, then spent the rest of the day crocheting and watching tv. i got a lot done on my blanket.

tuesday, i start work full time. friday was my last day on the high school shift, which is a part time shift. now i'm on the adult shift. which is 9:30 to 4. i don't want to. but i need to. i need to save up for books, and a car.
