work sucks

had to take the impala in to get checked out. then walked over to the comissary. but they wouldn't let me work. had to wait till 9:30. and it was still slow just like yesterday, w, way to many baggers. i brought i book w/ me today. it's a long wit in between orders. i left early again. got a ride from a friend, since he impala was still in the shop. mom was angry. she wanted me to stay there till the impala was done, and bring. but then i would've had to pay for it. mom's constinatly shoving the fact that the impala is actually her and dad's car in my face, yet is willing to pawn off the cost on me, and use up my gas. i couldn't of paid for it anyway. was $50. i would've been lucky to make $30. when i left, i had 3. i hate this. i work more hours, being a full time job, yet make the same amount i did on my part time job. as a part time bager, i could usually manage 7-10 an hour. full time, i'm lucky to get 3. i need a different job.

did very little crocheting today. was basically depressed all day. will go back to work tomorrow, but will see if i can work the high school shift to, where i can make more money.

a storm is's thundering lightly outside. i had to turn some music on so mindy wouldn't get all scared and freake out.
