rainy day

had to take ryan to school today. went to work. was sprinkling on and off all day. my new shoes hurt my feet. i have had the same kind for the past 2 years, and my new ones are a totally different shoe. but i'd thought i'd be okay, since they were in the athletic section. mom says i just have to get used to them.

kristi(a cashier) told me that is illegal to seperate kittens from their mama before 6 weeks. brittany seperated hers at 4. the temptation to turn her is so great. would teach her. she thinks she knows everyhting. yeah, everything that will get you in jail. but i won't. if i do, they may not let us see haylie anymore. but next time i see brittany, i'm gonna tell her what she did was illegal. maybe bring a book or something to prove i'm right, and that she knows nothing. thinks she's always right cause she's older. grrrr.

picked ryan up from school. went and got BK for dinner. the watchmen soundtrack i had ordered arrived today. was so happy. spent the rest of the evening listening to it, typeing up ashley's and i's story we made, and crocheting. i've finished my 6th ball of yarn, and have started my 7th.
