
last night, at 2:22, my stomach woke me up. i had really sharp pains again. feels like my stomach is being shoved through a paper shredder. but after some time it passed enough that i could back to sleep. but i decided that ihop probably wouldn't be a good idea. i told mom when i got up. and dad didn't answer when i called him. he was still on his trip. he's in south korea, kunson(sp?) air force base. and every so often, the air force takes some guys on a trip up to the border of north and south korea, and dad went. mom was extremly worried. but he's back at the base now, safe and sound. as safe as it gets in korea though.

went to work, and it was busy right away, no one wants to be shopping this weekend. working made me feel better actually. even though i was tired. but my feet were killing me, screaming in pain. i've discovered the problem w/ my new shoes. they're flat footed. lynne told me to go into the store and get some foot pad thing to go inside. i did. my shoes feel so much better now.

left work early. when i got home, i saw that mom had just finished mowing. i just had to sweep the sidewalks and rake the dead grass off the lawn. mom decided subway sounded good for dinner, so ryan and i went to get that. i was going to go to a football game to meet up w/ ashley, who is my partner in the books we are creating, but it was sooooooo packed. it was the first east/west game. there are 2 highschools in town. east and west(such origanal names, huh) and they are HUGE rivals. and games between the 2 are always so packed. i couldn't find a place to park, so i came back home, and sent her an email. hopefully we can meet someplace a bit less packed and more peaceful.

i can't wait for the airshow tomorrow. usually it's blazing hot, but it's actually going to be cool this year. mom hates airshows. she hates crowds. actually, she hates people. so she isn't going. just me. i'm going because i want to see tops in blue, and because my dad is in the air force.
