
this morning i discovered that the keys to the impala were in the pilot. which mom had at the gym. so she had to come home to give them to me. but then she decided to just drive me to work. ryan had a doctors app. this afternoon, so she said aftrwards she would come, we would get groceries, and she would take me home.

it was EXTREMLY busy at work. nobody shopped this weekend because of the airshow, and we were closed yesterday, AND it was payday. it was exhausting and hectic. and my fellow baggers drive me nuts. they bag in a totally opposite way than i do. one order, lynne was going to put just a few bags of jerky in it. i told her to put boxes or cans in the bottom, and the jerky on top to fill up the bag the rest of the way. "i don't bag that way" she says. "and it's my order!" i snapped. she paused, then pulled the jerky out and gave in. she questioned me about the way i bag, i explained, she understood, and tried to do the same. i am grateful for that. i'm tired of being bosed around by those adults.

my fall classes have started, i am regretfully pulling my books out to study. tomorrow i'm going to go to target to hopefully buy the magician and the sorceress.
