
work was better, not so panic busy, but i still made more tday than yesterday. left at 3, was going to go to the gym, but decided agaist it. came home, waited for ryan w/ cats. did all my art history stuff. 2 assignments and 2 tests. i'm going to start studying for my geography classes next.

mom has these alcohol drinks, wine coolers. i wasn't sure they were alcohol at first. she said when she opened one she would let ryan and i try a sip. i thought it was excelent. way better than the red and white wine i tried. those were sour and bitter.

today the book i took to work was the journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty, an Us Marine during the Veitnam War. there was one entry that hit me real hard. One guy, whos nickname was Mooch, got shot in the stomach. he was about to be flown out when the fog rolled in. they couldn't fly in the fog, so he had to wait. Patrick sat w/ him, and helped him write a letter to his wife and mother. ""you think those'll be okay?" he asked, when we were finished with the letters, and i was addressing them. "That they'll like them?" "I think they'll love them," i said. Treasure them. Mooch died just after 0930 this morning. He was seveenteen years old. The fog lifted maybe twenty minutes later."

animals fight over territory, females and food. we, the supposedly "civilized" beings are thought to be abbove them. with our fancy technology, thumbs, big brains, and being able to walk upright. but what have we done? killed each other for stupid causes, created things that destroy and kill, hurt our planet. i don't think we're above the animals at all, but below them.

in another entry, Patrick spoke of a guy called Dixie. living in the trenches and in a non stop war zone drove him insane. he jumped up into out of the trenches where the enemy could see him. "He was swearing and waving his arms in tha air and and yelling for the NVA to just go ahead and send him home, if they were so tough. The guy got his wish. Some machine gunner out in the hills stitched him right across the chest about ten seconds later. So he'll be going home. In a bag."
