
yesterday, i had an idea. in my halloween costume, i look like morticia fom the adams family. so i decided to make bogart goes, sammie pugsley, and mindy wednesday. we could be the adams family. i set this morning to making bogarts costume, but it turned out looking more like a sailors vest. so now bogart's a sailor. i decided sammie would be a pirate, w/ a striped shirt and eyepatch. i went to target to get the shirt, and couldn't find one. but there were shirts w/ superheros on them. i got sammie the red one w/ the flash logo. he's going to be the flash for halloween. i still need to make bogart a white cap to finish his sailor outfit though.

today, mom, ryan i and looked up some savannah catterys. they are such huge cats! one was 11 weeks, and as big as bogart is now. HUGE! i want a silver one. mom kept saying she wanted one, but now she fully realizes how big they are, is having second thoughts.
