
crocheted a bunch today. took ryan shopping to get haylie's bday gift. then, when we got home, mom decided we would do yardwork. but since she still claims to be sick, we had to do extra. well, more like I had to do extra. and she wanted the cars to be cleaned, and made ryan clean most of the pilot. i did the impala. but she was feeling well enouh to hover over ryan's shoulder and dictact every detail of every step. last time, we had put al the extra grass in the wheelbarrow, but mom forgot to put it out w/ the trash, so it sat out all week. and it rained. so when mom made ryan go to put in the bag, it was squishy, and smelled worse than a sick baby's diahrea. yuck. then i watched some Ben 10, crocheted some more, and watched tv w/ mom. i hate how slow my laptop is. it needs more harddrive or a new processor or SOMETHING. but dad say's i have to wait till november when he gets home. i don't know if it will survive. it will either crash, or i'm going to kill it.
