
today was payday, so it was busy at work. finally. was dead all last week. then afterwards i had to return some stuff to the library. when i got home, mom told me the boys had been horrible to mindy. mom got home about 2 hours after i had left for work, and she said mindy was huddled in the back of her kennel. and later when she tried to sneak back upstairs, all 3 boys were chasing after her. she's to old for that. they need to just leave her alone. so mom closed my door so the boys couldn't get into my room and corner her. then when i got home, bogart tried to corner her under the bed, and sammie was waiting for her to try to get out from under the bed, and i screamed at them, and dragged bogart(not to nicely) out from under my bed. then just a bit ago, mindy was trying to come up the stairs, and texa was gaurding the top, not letting her. sammie wears a collar because he is bad, and it lets mindy know when he is approaching, and i screamed at all of them, that if the keep this up, they are all going to wear collars with lots of loud bells.
