and yet another day of hooky

ryan's still sick. he has a bad fever. i decided not to go to work again. i snugled w/ mindy, crocheted, watched tv, and did a few assignments. i also played around here, and read some fanfics.

early this morning, 6:30, i was woken up by a wierd noise, i get up, and see 2 shapes moving. the kittens. my firt thought was that i hadn't shut their door all the way last night, and they had pried it open and escaped. so i set to putting them back to bed before they bugged anyone else. i the kittens under my arms, and shut them up, and went in search for texa. and noticed 2 plates w/ wet food. which meant that they hadn't escaped, but that mom had let them up early. so i let the kittens back up, and just shut more door.

then later in the afternoon, it was all quiet, and then we heard mindy screaming. and not the normal 'the boys are annoying me, leave me alone' scream, but that she was cornered and pinned cream, so all 3 of us hopped up and ran to see what was goingon, and we saw miny chasing texa, being chased by bogart. jeez. they can be a real pain sometimes.

and lastly, this morning, i let the boys out for a bit in the backyard while i ate my cereal. i was ot there w/ them, keeping an eye on them. i saw bogart, sniffing a spiders web, told him to leave it alone, then went to find sammie. then i see bogart trapsing by, w/, can you guess, the spider web plastered on his face. so i had to catch him and peel it off.
