
SATERDAY----didn't do much. though we decided we wanted buffalo wild wings for dinner, and i was sent off to get it, but when i did, the exit to get to it off the freeway was closed. becasue of construction. so i had to try to loop around. which ended up w/ me geting lost. though i did figure it out. eventually. i decided to go to micheals first. i got some more caligraphy pens and a packet of parchment paper. i like to use the calligraphy pens for my drawing. it's been a long time since i've drawn something. but when i got home, mom wanted to mow. and since ryan is still sick, i had to do his part. ugh. but then when i came inside, i did finally draw something. bogart. strutting. it actually turned out real well.

TODAY----really busy. church this morning, followed by a small group meeting. then i had a metting w/ ashley, which was a lot of fun. then i came home and took a small nap, and then headed of to bell choir practice. it was fine up to a point. during one song, i have to coordinate w/ my partner, because we share a bell, and put some other down to pick up different ones. i could've figured it out, if the rest would;ve just left me alone. but sussane(my partner) says to do it one way, no, nora says, do it this way. then juanita comes over, and insists on ANOTHER way. in the end, i didn't get it figured out. right before i left, nora came up to me, and said she knew i would get it, i just had to many people pushing. next week, if they crowd me again, i may explode on them. sometimes they treat me as if i don't know a thing about ringing. i'm not a newbie, and just because i'm younger than them, that doen't mean i'm stupid.

i went through all my old drawings, and found some(and one comic) that i'm going to eventually scan.
