
this morning, i waited till mom and ryan had left, then snuck downstairs to the family computer. it's the only computer connected to the scanner. but my user on it has no internet connection, so to submit my art, i have to email to my laptop, so i have to use my brothers usser. and trying to do that when he's around is impossible. so i decided to do it in the morning when i'm the only one home. took me a while to figure out what the computer did w/ my pictures. took forever.

i also finished my drawng of sammie, and i made one for a contest. then i took a test, and my laptop decided to live up to its name(Stupid) and fought me when i was trying to take my test. then i watched some tv w/ mom when she came. then i decided to nap. but i was freezing! i piled lots of blankets on my and snuggled w/ mindy.

when i woke up, i finished lots of homework. and showed ryan the pic of sammie. now i'm just going to spend the rest of the evening watching tv, relaxing, and crocheting.
