tests suck

this morning, bogart tried to jump in my window, but it was closed, so the ledge was to small for him. and he fell off. he tried again, and put his front paws on my headboard, w/ his utt still on the ledge. he looked over at me and cried, so i got up and opened my window for him.

work wasn't all that great. it was payday, so it was busy. but whenever it's really busy, all the custoers are usually the cheap kind. which completly sucks. but i made enough to buy a bunch of batteries(my camera goes through them like candy) and another pair of the loop earrings. so now i have 2, but i think i might get 2 more. that way i have a variety and not stuck w/ the same pair every day.

when i got home, i showered, and took my first test. for my Landforms class. the second one i had accidently clicked on when i was going to take the test for my weather and climate. but usually if you exit, you can resume later w/ the time remaining. si i figured i still had at least 88 of the 90 minutes left. but when i opened the test, it said i was out of time, and that if i didn't sumit the test immediatly, i would be penalized. so i guessed on all the problems, and ended up w/ a 20%. ut i emailed my teacher, and he gave me another chance. i ended up w/ a 72%. which is better, but i still don't like it.
