
it was so COLD today. and extremly windy. and it rained a bit. i was stuck going out in it a bunch. it's times like these that makes me really hate my job. but it was super busy, and i made more tips today that i ever have. 74 total. so that totally made up for it. when i have good days like today, i wouldn't trade my job for anything. but as much as i complain about work, i don't think i could change jobs. i would miss everyone to much.

i went and bought a third pair of the ear charm earrings. last pair, i swear. they're just so cool! it's possible to wear 2 pairs at once, jst one is upside down on the top of your ear. really cool, i think. but my ears are a tad to small, so it hurt. i had to take the top pair off halfway through the day.

when i got home, i had some chilli, then was supposed to go pick up ryan who was at a friend's house, but things got changed. we had to give melody(the mom of his friend) a ride somewhere. then we went in her house and chatted for a bit. it was fun.
