so cold

mom has the house cold, and is refusing to turn on the heater. and she won't turn up the water heater, so showers are cold too.

didn't do anything except watch mythbusters and crochet all day yesterday.

today we brushed the cats. bogart was so easy. sammie was easy to catch, but fights when brushed. texa is just difficult. we lured him out w/ some turkey, then i lanched myself at him and layed on top of him. then mom came and grabbed his scruff, and i held his hind legs still. he was so angry. mindy was easy, she ate the turkey, and let me grab her. though she growled a bit during the brushing. our new brush is so amazing. it looked like we had killed a cat when we were done, we got so much fur off of them. then i had to vacuum it all up. -_-

went to church, then the small group meeting. came home and sketched the cats. went to my meeting w/ ashley. was great. came home and crocheted. went to bell choir practice. was a bit better than last week. but isn't fun anymore.

came home and crocheted and watched tv w/ mom. plan on typeing more of my story and ashley and i's story tomorrow. and finishing my sketches and scanning them. and homework. i also have a big essay due wednesday.
