bad day

this morning, when i left for work, it felt like a spring day. it was sunny, slight breeze, birds chirping. put me in an irratible mood. after spring comes summer. i hate summer. it felt so wierd not having to wear a coat after the last couple of days of grayness freezing cold and strong gusting winds.

don has a big mouth. he started up this whole big mess, and when it was settled, started it all up again by going over and gossiping about it w/ another bagger. we kept telling him to shut up.

then, one of the mikes said that aflac was calling for him. don got all confused. mike told him he also worked for aflac, and felt like he should be there, making money, as oppesed to sitting in a dead grocery store. don still didn't get it. he thought there was someone on the phone trying to talk to mike. i told him it was like saying my lunch is calling me. my pudding isn't really on a phone, its an expression of speech. it got him to shut up finally.

then i got into a fight w/ a different mike. and a spat w/ one of the joes. and had a disagreement w/ galen. ugh. and the store was dead, so i was irratable cause i was there, and not able to make any money.

when i got home, i submitted some art, took a test, and set to finishing a pic i started yesterday. i'm almost done now. but i need to go get some dinner. then i'm going to finish it, and try to start working on some pics for a couple of contests.
