
last night, when i went downstairs to scoop, bogart was crying there was a bug on top of the doorframe, and he wanted it. he wanted me to lift him up so he could reach it. so i did. then i either dropped him, or he fell, cause next thing i knew, i was standing there, stareing at the bug which was now on the floor in front of me w/ a funny taste in my mouth. i was praying the taste was cat, and not bug, when my right pointer finger really started to hurt. i thought it was just a scratch, but it kept bleeding and bleeding. when i was washing it, i dicovered a really long scratch along my left wrist. but my finger was sliced. when i changed the bandaid this morning, it looked really ugly.

went to work this morning, but didn't feel good, so came home. napped. took another test. then started some drawings. i'm nearly done w/ all 6. just a bit of color needs to be added.
