
FRIDAY:work. was busy. had a fight w/ naty. i think i hate her now. she was being all bosy, and when i responded she said i was snobby, and i woouldn't have been, if she hadn't been bitchy, and then she said i didn't know how to bag, and i REALLY wanted to smack her. but didn't. went to bx, and was sale on some nice jewelry, bought some. came home and had to mow. was in pjs, when mom announced we were going to old market to have dinner w/ family.

SATERDAY:was supposed to meet family back in old market at 10, so got up early to make my aunt a bday card w/ her fat cats in it, and get her gift all wrapped up. but snowed. so we didn't meet till 2, but other aunt and uncle had to shower and feed baby hannah, then get all her stuff situated, and kept chatting. didn't get going till 4. split up and shopped. got lots of neat stuff. a cat decoration and magnet. a giant lollipop which i am going to enjoy tonight, small journal. i was told there was a ben and jerry's ice cream store, but turned out to be some ted and wally's place. but found an antique store. got an old glass coke bottle that still had its soda in it. my favorite purchase. then had dinner at french cafe. food was okay, but was so formal, was so uncomfortable. hated it. and it was very expensive too. uncle bought bottle of wine, and let ryan and i try a sip, was extremly bitter, hated it. ryan liked it though. was worse than the last white wine he let me try. wanted to go on carriage ride, but wasn't time. went back to hotel, and swam a bit w/ grandma and uncle, then back home.

SUNDAY:church this morning, then my small group meeting. came home and grabbed a few things, then went to walmart. had to get xmas gift for hannah. then met w/ ashley. my meetings w/ ashley are now my fav. part of the week. so much fun. home now, but have to leave in a few minutes for bell choir practice. then i'm going to come home, watch AFV and the 2 recorded episodes i have of Forgotten while eating my giant lollipop.
