everyone loves mindy

today, i was planning on doing the water aerobics class, so i went to the gym in my suit, w/ my work clothes(jeans and white collared tee) over top. but when i got there, first i signed up for the turkey trot, but then i saw a sign saying the pool was closed due to heater malfunctions. and so i couldn't do any machines either because i was wearing jeans. so i just walked the track. it was very uncomfortable. but i went to work afterwards. it was really slow at first, but picked up. i brought w/ me 2 pics of mindy. one of her in her white shirt w/ a cupcake on it, and another of her in her princess dress. everyone said she was cute, adorable, lots of awwws. but then the bagger who was in charge of the express lane wanted to leave early, and asked me to take over for him. so i did. then i went and deposited my stash.

next i went to the lemon lot, where there are used cars for sale. i found one, and i have exactly enought o buy it. but i have to wait till dad gets home, cause he wants to look it over to make sure i'm getting an okay car. it looks like it will need new tires, but i should be able to get those after 2 weeks. i should have enough by then. i hope someone else doesn't buy it this weekend. i won't be able to till monday at the earliest. if i can drag dad to the lot.

i lost my loufa. i loved my loufa. T.T
