been a while

wow. it's been nearly a week since i last posted. friday i was assigned the express lane. chom was the casheir, and i was stuck w/ her all day. she's the grumpiest cashier. it wasn't fun. then i came home and had to clean. saterday family came and we went to the airport. dad got home from korea. now he's home for good. sunday was my bday. we went to church, then out to eat at cracker barrel. thanks to everyone who sent me a gift and signed my guestbook.

monday, mom made ryan and i get the h1n1 vaccine. then we went to the gym for a bit, then shopping, and out to eat at buffalo wild wings. came home and relaxed the rest of the day, even though i should have done some homework. but dad fixed Stupid(my laptop). he's a lot faster now. got rid of a lot of junk, and added some hard drive. then in the evening, i went to a retirment home and rang w/ my bell choir, then we went out to dairy queen. tuesday was work. horrible day. i kept getting customers who only tipped 1 dollar.

today i slept in. my bell choir rang again at another retirement home, so i decided to jog there for my exercise instead of going to the gym. then i went out for lunch w/ mom and dad. we went to applebees. came home and watched Up, relaxed, took my final test for my art history class, and wrote the final essay. then i had to search for my geography workbook. i managed to get a lot done for that class to. but now i'm really tired.
