
dad's phone alarm went off at 6:30 and woke me up this morning. i vaguely remember hearing ryan get up for school at 7:30, then the next thing i remember was mom yelling at me at 8:15 asking me if i was going to the gym. i told her after i finished my homework and tests, then i rolled back over. next, i rolled over and the clock said 9:55. i just layed there for a few minutes trying to figure that out. i wasn't completly awake. but i got up, and was to lazy to make oatmeal, what i usually have for breakfast, so i ate one of ryan's poptarts. then i watched a bit of tv, and bogart snuggled in my lap. but then i decided i probably should do my homework. i had to watch a video about megafeeze from the history channel for it. it was actually really interesting. then i was foing to take my final quizzes and exams, but my computer lost internet connection, so i had to use dad's laptop. i got an 88 and 84 on my quizzes, and a 66 and 54 on my exams. oh well. then i went to see michael jackson's this is it movie again. came home and watched tv and crocheted. but i just realized i forgot to finnish and turn in my weather data graph, andnow i can't because my classes ended at 6 today. grrr. but now i have a 2 week break before the winter quater begins. yay!
