
i just finished sending gifts. i like the large crazy # of gifts i can send. i wonder how long it will last. but today was good. we opened up our gifts and gave the wrapping paper to the cats, who shredded and (in sammie's case) attempted to eat the tape. mindy was upset for some unknown reason and attacked texa. so i spanked her. i think she was jealous. i was out haveing fun w/ the other cats and the family, and she wanted me back in our room. so i did eventually head back there for a litle bit. but mom and dad got a new tv. so the one that was upstairs went downstairs, and the one downstairs was put (unwillingly) in my room, and mine was out in the closet downstairs. musical tv. so i had to rearange my entire desk.

i got a zune giftcard, so i bought the entire Knight Rider 2008 season 1 videos, and a few songs. i also got 2 games for the wii. i was playing, but then mom and ryan wanted to try. but then they wouldn't give my game back, so i just left. i had a headache cause of them, and was tired. i'm almost done crocheting the blanket i started in august. but i'm putting it on hold for a moment. my (late) xmas gifts to the cats are going to be little blankets for their beds. then i'll finish mine, and then start dad's.
